Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Firsts! (Including first post in AGES!!)

So I've learned that I'm a wretched blogger. *chuckles* Good to know! Anyhow, my dear hermit/friend Bettye, who's blog I occasionally get a change to catch up, on tagged me with something that made me grin. I love trips down memory lane, so welcome to the inside of my head!

These are my firsts. If I tag you it means I want to know yours. Copy and paste this note into your blog or comments here, delete my answers and fill yours in. Tag me back and anyone else whose "firsts" you wanna know about...

Your Firsts

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
Phil... he had the coolest car and he was an "older" man... Wow, that was a picture perfect night.

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
No, last time I saw him (see above) was at a renaissance festival years ago.

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
I got drunk when I was 10 on Mimosas... the waiter asked my dad how many we wanted and he said everyone (meaning the adults) The waiter brought them for everyone and brought refills! Dad thought we were drinking orange juice...

4. What was your FIRST job?
Pier 1 Imports. I loved that job... worked there on and off for years.

5. What was your FIRST car?
1972 Convertible Classic Super Beetle named Horatio. Blue body and white ragtop, I claimed him as mine as soon as I was old enough to understand that cars belonged to someone... I was 4.

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
What is this texting that you speak of? (asks the girl in the stoneage of cellphones)

7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
My cute husband... he crawled under the covers after his night shift and was freezing! Talk about an abrupt wakeup!

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Betty Wright... now why on earth do I remember that.

9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Probably to Texas to visit my grandparents. (Yes, this is Bettye's exact answer, but I think it's mine too!)

10. Who was your FIRST best friend and do you still talk?
Katherine Smith... aahhh... the trouble she got me into! I haven't seen her since college, last I knew she was a pharmacist.

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
My boyfriend from 2nd grade... I was a tawdry wench! Just kidding... we didn't really understand what "boyfriend" meant and his mom babysat me overnight.

12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
A freezing cold husband... see #7.

13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
Hm... honestly I think mine! Always a bride... never a bridesmaid! Well, I've only been married once so that doesn't entirely work.

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Warmed up the cute husband. (see #7 and #12) I'm a nice wife.

15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Up... up with People! I think I was 12. *chuckles*

16. What was the FIRST record/tape?
Ooh, I got to pick two tapes from Columbia House and got John Denver and Captain and Tennille. I was hip! First LP though was Tony Basil with "Micky"

17. FIRST hospitalization?
I had an emergency Appendectomy in college. Strangely it was a fond memory despite the pain. I laughed alot over how it was such a comedy of errors.

18. FIRST foreign country you've been to?

19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
I think it was ET... that one really effected me!

20. When was your FIRST detention?
Yeah... um... *mumbles* I stabbed a kid in 7th grade. It was only with a pencil and it was in his leg! I just kinda forgot I was holding it when I leaned over to hit him for being a pest. Though I did get called into the principle in 1st grade for throwing a rotten donut at a school bus. Does that count?

21. Where did you FIRST meet your spouse/partner now?
I met him at the candy store... he turned around and smiled at me.. you get the picture... oh wait. That was the Leader of the Pack. *giggles* I met him at a bar. It's actually one of those internet-cafe/bar/poolhall type places and a mutual friend introduced us.

22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
My folks? *chuckleS* I honestly don't remember my first college roomie... we only roomed together for the first semester and then I moved in with a friend. I think her name started with a "J".

23. What did you do with your FIRST paycheck?
Gas for the car! Not terribly exciting, I know... but Dad wanted me to be responsible and I wanted to drive around.

Why only 23? Hm... odd. Anyhow, I guess I'm supposed to tag back Bettye and then I'm going to tag the Seraph Crew, whoever might read this!