Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And um... why are we here again?

With a gentle prod from a dear friend of mine (thank you Bettye! *blows you a kiss* I finally decided to take your advice), I have decided to jump into the wild world of blogging. I always have these silly little tidbits that amuse the hell out of me that I always forget later, so I figured I'd use this forum to keep track of them for future reference. I have no idea how often I'll toss out my deep thoughts or ridiculous musings, but we'll see how it goes!

I suppose I should start out with a bit about me. In my real life I'm a wife and a mother of two, my beautiful baby girl who's about to turn 3 and a darling 10 year old step-daugher. I am disgustingly happy with both roles! I'm deeply smitten with my fabulous husband of 7 years. I'm an online gamer who has travelled through various MMORGs and MUDs before landing in the crazy world of Second Life. In my second life I just celebrated my second Rez Day and somehow have somehow found myself the proud owner of a rather unique, vintage burlesque theater there called the New Champagne Rooms. You can find out more about that here if you're curious!

So I guess that's enough for now, but I thought I'd leave you with my amusing quote for the day...

"I will find that special person who is wrong for me in just the right way" ~Andrew Boyd


Writ of Hocus Pocus said...

*cheers and waves madly*

Ahnyanka Delphin said...

*laughs and waves back* Hiya doll!

Dyami Jameson said...

Welcome to the crazy world of blogging! Just have fun with it.

Ceejay Writer said...

Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay! Now I really gotta get around to updating my blogroll, I've been putting that off, but AHNYA IS HERE!!!!!

Ahnyanka Delphin said...

*giggles* Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! Now, lets see if I can drive you off. *winks*